Design & Installation
Elegant Sprinkler System Design in New York City
We provide businesses and homes in the New York City area with high-quality fire protection systems. Don’t slack on fire safety. Learn how our talented contractors and engineers can protect your assets. The sprinkler system design at Five Borough Sprinkler is not only easy to look at, but also very efficient.

Our Process for Designing and Filing of Sprinkler Systems
1. Assessing Your Needs
Does your industrial warehouse only need a sprinkler system that can thoroughly douse a fire?
Do you wish the sprinkler system in your luxury apartment complex was less of an eyesore?
Are you just trying to upgrade your space before the Local Law 26/04 deadline, which requires all office buildings 100 feet or more in height to install a full sprinkler system by July 1, 2019?
Before beginning a project of any size, we first want to ensure that we know exactly what you’re looking for. One of our consultants will identify the goals of your project and what you want the final product to look like.
2. Utilizing Technology
We use state-of-the-art technology to design your fire protection systems. This helps us ensure that our plans are highly accurate and fulfill all your project criteria. By using building simulation technology, we can plan your sprinkler system design with little to no intrusion, while also making life a little easier for you in the process.
3. Gathering Feedback
Once we’ve designed your system, our team of engineers and drafters will prepare the final documents and obtain NYC DOB approvals to which we will then pull our work permits and begin the installation.

Our Process for Installing Sprinkler Systems
1. Installation
No two sprinkler systems are alike, which makes predicting your project’s timeline difficult until we’ve had a full consultation. Your time estimate will be included during the feedback stage. However, there’s no need to worry; with quality and customer satisfaction as our core tenets, we work quickly and efficiently to see your project finished on time or earlier. During this process, our management is always available for your questions or comments.
2. Completion
Once we’ve completed your project, we will conduct all necessary inspections and prepare final documents to sign off the application with the authority having jurisdiction.