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New York City’s Trusted Fire Safety Experts

Five Borough Sprinkler is a family-owned business in the fire-protection industry, dedicated to maximizing customer satisfaction and safety. Our installers and technicians have decades of experience installing, repairing, and maintaining all kinds of sprinkler systems. Whether it’s simple sprinkler head relocation or a completely new installation for a high-rise building, we’re dedicated to providing you with a high-quality system that’s perfect for your needs.

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Safety First

At Five Borough Sprinkler we take safety very serious. When hiring Five Borough Sprinkler for any of your projects you can always be sure that all our employees are safety compliant, and trained & certified to work in a safe manner.

Experts in the Fire-Protection Industry

A high-quality sprinkler system with a smart design can save you thousands of dollars over time. Alternatively, a poorly designed sprinkler system can cost you your entire business. That’s why finding trustworthy, experienced engineers are vital to our success.

You can rely on our team of experienced engineers for all your sprinkler system needs, whether it’s an elegant design-build or a simple code consultation. Your satisfaction is our number one priority, and we take pride in completing our work quickly—without compromising on quality.

Made for New York

Our family business began in New York City, servicing Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island, and the Bronx. Now, we’re able to support businesses across all of Nassau County, Long Island as well. As a New Yorker, you’re part of our family, and we’ll provide you with the high-quality, dependable work you deserve.

Protecting You from Fire Code Violations

There’s no magic trick to preventing fire and building code violations, and there’s no magic piping system that will stop your pipes from becoming damaged or frozen. However, you can mitigate these risks by employing a reliable team of fire safety engineers to perform routine maintenance, testing, and inspections. We’re qualified to perform NFPA 25 inspections, fire pump testing, and code consulting. If you’re already in need of a repair, we’re also available 24/7 for emergency fire sprinkler repairs.

We Are Always Stocked With All Necessary Materials To Get The Job Done!


Contact Us for Your Free Consultation!