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Complete Sprinkler Winterization Before the New York Winter Hits

Whether your building uses a wet pipe sprinkler system or a dry pipe sprinkler system, you need to ensure that they’re properly winterized. Although wet pipe systems are most commonly related with frozen pipes, the condensation that naturally builds in dry pipe systems can also lead to frozen and burst pipes. At Five Borough Sprinkler, we can help you get the right treatment for your system just in time for that icy New York City winter.

red pipe sprinkler system

Say Goodbye to Frozen Pipes

In the dead of a New York winter, the last thing anyone wants is a frozen pipe bursting in their building. Call us now and we can give you a free, customized quote on your winterization project. We’ll show you potential trouble spots, explain our process, and answer any questions you have on the project to make sure you’ll be ready for the coming winter.

sprinkler system

Winterizing Your Dry Pipe Sprinkler System

There is a common misconception that because dry pipe sprinkler systems do not hold water, you don’t need to worry about them freezing or becoming damaged in the winter. But this misinformation can lead to thousands of dollars in pipe repair.

On warmer days during the summer, condensation can collect within your dry pipe system. When the air cools, this condensation will sink to the bottom of the pipe as liquid water. The same thing happens to your glasses when you leave an air-conditioned building and exit on a hot, humid day, or when your shower fogs your mirror and the fog begins dripping away as water droplets.

Although this is unavoidable, the risk can be minimized by draining the pipes before the onset of winter. By hiring experts in the fire protection industry, you’ll erase future headaches and save yourself money.

wet pipe sprinkler system

Winterizing Your Wet Pipe Sprinkler System

If your building uses a wet pipe sprinkler system, NFPA 25 requires you to maintain a minimum temperature of 40°F unless you use an antifreeze solution. Even with an antifreeze, however, it’s important to test samples throughout the winter to ensure it hasn’t weakened. Even if your building is heated, pipes running into unheated or underheated areas are still at risk of becoming damaged.

Tips to Winterize Your Sprinkler System

  • Keep wet pipe systems warm. Try to keep a temperature of at least 50°F and be sure to regularly check pipes in areas of your building that have poor insulation and heating.
  • Regularly test the antifreeze in your wet pipe system and adjust the concentration as needed.
  • Plan ahead by getting your heating system inspected in the fall.
  • Ensure that hydrants, valves, and fire department connections to your building are cleaned of ice and snow to avoid freezing.
  • If your pipes do freeze, do not attempt to fix it yourself, as this can result in further damage and personal injury. Instead, call the qualified engineers at Five Borough Sprinkler.

Contact Us for Your Free Consultation!